Charter of young Europeans for durable development and green citizenship
Charter of young Europeans for durable development and green citizenship.
2007/2009 - written by Turkish, French and Belgian students
So we have to rethink our ways of life and consumption, our communication means, our industrial processes in order to anticipate the depletion of our energy and mineral resources, preserve biodiversity, precious heritage of the living and the purity of landscapes and environment.
We also think that every human being has the right to minimal vital happiness that means free and fair access to education, food, water, culture and health, all necessary conditions to ensure the survival of humanity and the transmission of the earthly heritage to the future generations.
As young citizens of Europe we want to become citizens of a more durable and responsible world.
That is why, dear citizens of Europe and the world, we are putting forward the twelve articles of this charter which we hope will be like marks that will lead our lives to a beaming future for humanity and for all species on earth.
– Article 1 : living condition
To preserve energy resources our houses should produce their own energy.
(For example, we have to use solar energy, geothermal energy and wind energy)
– Article 2 : transport
To keep our environment we have to use clean and public means of transport.
(For example, going to work or school by bike, on foot, using public transportation. Besides, we mustn’t use our private cars with only one person in them.)
– Article 3 : energy
(For example, wind turbines or mills, hydroelectric dams, solar panels, bioenergy)
– Article 4 : agriculture
Food is essential to protect our life and to make us happy. So people must have a fair portion of natural healthy food.
(Local food productions without any pesticides and chemical additives, use natural fertilizers composed of grass and green waste)
– Article 5 : industry
We must introduce the recycling in our industry and build industries which are environmentally friendly.
(For example, producing only for human needs, not for luxury or needless consumerism.)
– Article 6 : biodiversity
Nature is a wealth for the earth and humanity. We must protect all animal and vegetable species which are the most important parts of our ecosystem and they have the right to coexist with us in this world.
(For example in natural parks )
– Article 7 : education
We have to inform and raise the awareness of young people in school so that they can respect and teach their children to respect nature.
(For example, organising conferences, organizing waste collection in the street with children collect, on the beaches or at schools, teaching ecological gestures, making questionaries).
– Article 8 : distribution of world resources
In the way of durable development and to preserve world peace, we ought to distribute the world resources equally to all people in order to provide good living opportunities.(education, health, food, housing etc)
– Article 9 : recycling.
If we don’t want to sold out natural resources of the Earth, we must recycle everything that is produced.
(developing waste selection systems)
– Article 10: water
Water is life. We wish to save our water. Water is a common property of humanity so we must share it fairly.
(take a shower for a few minutes no more, buy washing machines with smaller consumptions)
– Article 11 : health
Everybody has the right for proper health services and enough medicine.
(For example, providing free health services and medicine for African people, especially in case of AIDS.)
– Article 12 : consomption
We have to consume just for what we need. We must prevent too much consumption. We must consume local products. (For example being aware of the bad effects of advertising)
Comines, 11th may 2009
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